I think she was getting bored with all the pictures she decided to rip the bow out of her hair and try to eat it then she moved on to her 5 mth sign!!
Another sleeping picture , I thought she looked so cute with those hands crossed again.
She finally fits into her slippers that match her robe, I thought they looked adorable on her.
Bathtime! Gracelyn loves to take a bath, she kicks and splashes water everywhere.
" Hi mom what are you doing up there " She started sucking her bottam lip a lot when she started teething, I am really surprised she doesn't have a rash from sucking on it so much.
Her attempt at sitting up on her own.
She really likes her carrots. I don't so much like the mess afterwards!!
Lance and I took Gracelyn out sledding last Sunday afternoon the sun was shining, so I thought it would be a good day for it. She was in a daze the whole time, I'm not so sure what she thought about the whole thing.
Being cute with her baseball hat on. The front of her hat says " Peaches ".
What a beautiful baby, see must get that from her Dad!!
She is absolutely adorable! Thanks for sharing...we'll be checking often!--Emi Gagnon
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