Christmas Day was spent with my family, we had a great time. This was the first year in many years that all of us were together on Christmas Day so it was nice. Gracleyn and Myla was again spoiled with many gifts. My brother Scott made the girls a nice toy box and my sister got Gracie a 4 wheeler and my parents got them some nice toys as well. My parents got Gracelyn a pack of legos and she is loving playing with them. My dad made Gracelyn a nice step stool so now she can go potty all by herself, she really thinks she is a big girl now! Unfortunately Gracelyn will not ride on the 4 wheeler she is scared of the noise that it makes. I am not sure when or why she become scared of loud noises but she is. I'm sure by the summer she will enjoy riding the 4 wheeler outside! ( I hope )

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