Happy Birthday Myla!
Today at 7:42 pm you will be one year old. This time last year Daddy and I had to get up very early to head to the hospital to have you. I was so excited to finally meet you and hold you in my arms. My pregnancy with you was scary at times, at one point during the pregnancy the Doctors told us that you may not survive long after birth. Your Dad and I knew that God was in control of your life, we prayed very hard that God would heal you and God answered our prayers! The day I finally saw your sweet face and knew you were ok, was such a wonderful day. What a great birthday present for me to have such a beautiful baby girl. You are absolutely perfect and a wonderful blessing.
This year has been amazing. You bring so much joy to our lives. We love your big smile, your very contagious laugh, your very strong will, your big blue eyes, your kisses and your sweet personality. You love your sister and look up to her, you are always wanting to do everything that she is doing. I love watching you and Gracelyns relationship grow. I can't wait to celebrate many more milestones and birthdays with you!
Mommy and Daddy love you so much Myla Mae, I remember while I was pregnant with you worrying how I could love another child as much as I loved your sister Gracelyn, but once I held you in my arms for the first time I instantly fell in love. You will never understand how much Mommy and Daddy love you and your sister. I thank Jesus everyday for choosing me to be your Mommy!
I love you sweet Myla!
Aww! Happy Birthday Myla!
Lovely wording Shelby...it brought a tear to my eye.
Happy Birthday sweet girl! She is beautiful!
Very sweet! I completely forgot about some of the complications you faced during your pregnancy. God is so good!
Very sweet! I completely forgot about some of the complications you faced during your pregnancy. God is so good!
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